Conveyor Controls Training
Learn how to manage, apply and program PulseRoller controls at Insight Automation's on-site Testing and Training Lab. Training at Insight Automation's Training Lab is free for customers, OEMs, and integrators of PulseRoller controls.*
Training Focused on You 
Insight Automation training is designed to solve the real-time challenges experienced by our customers. Come to training with a challenge you are currently experiencing and we'll help you solve it. After a morning of classroom learning, we move to the Testing and Training Lab to practice the lessons before heading home.
The Training Lab has actual fully-running conveyors to simulate your real-world environment. You can practice set up, configuration, and custom programming. After all, there's nothing better than doing it yourself.
We offer training for three types of people:
The Maintenance Professional
In this training session, we help you understand the settings of the PulseRoller controls and how to manage and maintain them.
For customers who build conveyors for resale. We help you understand all that you can do with the PulseRoller controls including how to set up, configure, and control basic applications.
The Programmer
We teach control engineers the details of how to custom program PulseRoller controls.
To schedule a training session for yourself or organization, call (800) 764-6356.
Visit's downloads section for our controls user manuals and developer guides.
* Fees may apply for training at customer or OEM sites to cover travel expenses.